Tall Fescue Grass: Types, Care and Control!

Do you wonder about having a lush green lawn all year round? Well, now it’s possible because by choosing tall fescue grass as SOD, you can get there. You can even grow them in clay soil. 

In fact, growing them is so easy that you’d barely need to think of regular mowing or fertilization. Well, they do need some care in summer though. They can finely tolerate the heat and drought stress. So, if you are thinking of a lush green lawn like your evergreens, then these are what you should go for.

Are you excited to learn more about them? Here are different types of them, how to take care of them, and control them.

What are the different types of tall fescue grass?

Earlier many grew tall fescues to graze their animals. However, now these two types are grown mostly for turf lawns,

✔Dense shade mix: This type works best in shady locations and they even show faster growth.

✔Black beauty: It’s the kind of disease resistance one.  

Commonly, you’ll find people mixing the fescue grass seed with other drought-season grasses. The reason behind this is to achieve the strength of different kinds of lawn grass. If one is to offer lawn shade then the other will bear footsteps.

Tall Fescue Grass

How to start tall fescue grass care?

As mentioned about its growth pace earlier, you can imagine the kind of maintenance it mostly needs. Obviously mowing!! 

Like the other parts of your lawn, these grasses need mowing mostly during fall and the spring season. You are spared from mowing during summer because the growth is slow. 

Except for mowing, you need a bit of care. Just water or fertilize them in winter or when you have poor soil quality. Also, you may need reseeding during falls because tall fescue grass gets damaged easily(from footsteps or others). 

How to conduct tall fescue control?

These grasses indeed make a great lawn. But many times, you may want to get rid of them when they are overgrown. If you want them gone, follow just these two steps of chemical treatment:

Step 1: Mix and apply Eraser 41% glyphosate

Use 2.5 oz. of Eraser 41% per water gallon to treat an approximate 300sq. Ft area. Mix them in your pump sprayer and shake it

Step 2: Appy in the concentrated area

In about 2-3 weeks the fescue grass will die out. 


Wanting to grow or get rid of tall fescue grass? Well, either one is not as easy as everyone says. However, typing “best landscaping service near me in Buffalo” would help. You can have a professional SOD tall fescue grass or get rid of them rightly. For instance, Prime Landscaping Buffalo can help you get there.


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